Sorry, we didn’t mean to yell. I guess we’re just excited that now you don’t have to pack up all you stuff and move to Minneapolis. Although it is wonderful city, southerners and people who can’t adjust to 30 below winters, have been avoiding us for years but no longer!

Now you can attend the worlds most affordable portfolio school from the comfort of you living room. Video conferencing brings our great instructors across the digital divide and right into your cranium, by way of your computer. It’s affordable, fun and convenient. Just dial into your class and interact in real time via Zoom with your teachers and classmates.
Also you don’t have miss out on all the educational fun just because of your pesky work schedule because all of our classes are held in the evening. And as a little know fact we’ve been teaching portfolio classes online for longer than anybody, since way back in the early 2000’s, when the cool kids were using Skype, so you’re in good hands.